Service features

Edit the contracts on screen

Track deletions, insertions and changes to your contract.

Question and answer guidance when drafting

Guidance on how to complete the contracts is provided in a question and answer format, so what’s required is easy to understand and you can be sure of accuracy.

Online Updates

The Online Updates service notifies you on login when new or updated contracts are available, so the contract you work with is always the latest available.

Clause Library

Allows you to save clauses in one place so they can be picked up and used again in future drafts.

Unlimited printing of draft contracts free of charge

You can print off multiple drafts of your contract to circulate and annotate as you need to at no extra cost. Read only drafts can be emailed to colleagues or clients.

Networking the CD

Networking the CD within a business can make gathering input and getting approval a smoother process.

Networking lets you:

  • Share drafts with colleagues
  • Share print credits
  • Access colleagues' files

Contact Thomson Reuters or speak to your RIBA stockist to find out more.

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JCT On Demand

Buy a contract through the JCT website, use JCT On Demand to easily and intuitively fill in and print your document online...

Find out more