JCT Met Office Services
The Met Office offers a comprehensive range of products and services to ensure effective planning and management of your projects. Other services include:
Project planning phase
Station based monthly planning averages
This traditional product provides Long Term Averages and 1-in-10 year values for four weather elements for each month of the year. Available for 100+ locations.
Bespoke climate services
A range of products to help you understand and mitigate the impacts of weather and climate on your project. This leads to more efficient management of resources and increased operational efficiency. The Met Office offers: climate change mitigation and adaptation assessments; climate analyses; and weather sensitivity analyses.
Project delivery phase
Towercrane forecasts
This site specific, threshold-based forecast service is tailored to a contractor’s height thresholds. It provides you with mean and gust wind speed and direction, at specific heights for up to five days ahead and informs the decision to hire expensive plant or not.
Bespoke forecasts and alerts
These services help you optimise scheduling of resources and weather-dependent activities including identification of the optimum time to hire expensive equipment. They also help ensure the health and safety of staff onsite. The following services are available:
Warning service: provides warnings and alerts of incoming weather events according to your requirements. This onsite service is designed to keep you one step ahead of the weather, ensuring the health and safety of onsite teams.
Monthly outlook: this service provides you with a weather forecast outforecast out to 30 days ahead based on a tailored range of weather parameters, for up to ten regions across the UK.
Intelligent planning tools - VisualEyes™: this fully flexible web-based monitoring and alert solution gives you a clearer picture of the real-time and forecast weather conditions at specific locations. You can choose the forecast and real time weather elements you want to view, select the timeframes you want out to 14 days and set alert thresholds according to your risk profile.
Post project phase
Station based monthly downtime summary
This traditional product offers Long Term Averages and 1-in-10 year values for four weather elements provided for each month of the year. Available for 100 UK locations. Versions of the report include daytime hours reporting and wind reporting.
Bulk buy offers
If you require a large number of the downtime reports each year for different locations/stations, contact the Met Office today about their downtime summary packages. Available for both Location based and Station based monthly downtime summaries.
Free services
Public weather service: a wide range of free forecasts and warnings to help you make informed decisions about your day to day activities. Find out more
National severe weather warnings: We issue warnings of severe or hazardous weather which has the potential to cause danger to life or widespread disruption. Find out more