Downtime Report

Only £183.00 + VAT

The Downtime Report is designed specifically for post-project management, helping you to minimise the impact of weather on your project and complement the weather clauses found in JCT contracts. This new product offers Long Term Averages and 1-in-10  year values for 16 weather elements for each month of the year. Available for more than 3500 locations.

What's included in the Downtime Report?

  • Monthly Rainfall Total (mm) 0900-0900
  • Total Days of Rain > 5mm
  • Total Days of Snow
  • Total Days with Snow Lying at 0900
  • Total Days of Freezing
  • Total Days of Ground Frost
  • Minimum monthly Air Temperature (Deg C)
  • Total Days of Air Frost
  • Mean monthly Wind Speed (mph) 0900-0900
  • Monthly Sunshine Total (hours)
  • Monthly Solar Radiation Total (kWh/m^2)

Choose your location from the sites map link below and fill in the co-ordinates in the latitude/longitude box.

To run your report over multiple months, in the quantity box next to 'Add to Basket' add the number of reports you would like to purchase. Each report is monthly, so choosing 5 will purchase 5 months of reports. You can choose whether to run reports for consecutive months or for random months using the dates options below.

Select 'Add to Basket' to confirm your selection. You will be invited to create an account or login to complete your purchase.

NOTE: If you want to purchase reports for multiple locations, these need to be checked out and purchased separately.

If you have a query about a Met Office product you have just purchased from the JCT online store, or have an issue with your order, please click here to contact the Met Office.

Edition : 2016


Choose the nearest location to your site - we have over 3,500 sites available. Click the button below to open our sites map. Select the one nearest to your desired location and enter the latitude/longitude co-ordinates in the box below.

Latitude, Longitude:(to 6 decimal places ensuring Longitude is either +ve or –ve x.xxxxxx,+/- y.yyyyyy. USE ONLY CO-ORDINATES FROM THE SITES MAP)


Complete the start date box below if you would like to purchase reports that run for consecutive months. Depending on the amount of reports you've added to the quantity box, you will receive that amount of reports in consecutive months from your desired start date (e.g. if you put 5 in the quantity box and 01/2020 as your start date, your will receive 5 months of reports from 01/2020).

If you would like to purchase multiple reports for non-consecutive months use the box below to indicate the months (format: MM/YYYY) that you would like to purchase. Make sure the quantity box is the correct amount for the number of months you wish to cover.

Start Date:(MM/YYYY)
Non-consecutive dates:(MM/YYYY)
I have read and understood the Met Office’s terms and conditions * 

JCT Met Office Weather Reports

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